The American Bus Association urges members, consumers, and group travel professionals to ask Congress for an exemption process for motorcoach companies affected by Canadian and Mexican tariffs.
Washington, D.C. – The American Bus Association (ABA) – the leading industry trade organization representing the leading motorcoach and group travel and tourism companies – today applauded the efforts of […]
1-min read
CERTS Tax Exemption Bill Gets New LifeChauffeur DrivenMay 22, 2023 Motorcoach associations like the American Bus Association (ABA) are celebrating the reintroduction of a bill that would eliminate the tax […]
2-min read
Grassroots activities are an important partner of association lobbying on Capitol Hill. Since 2020, the motorcoach industry – led by ABA – has fought hard to receive much needed financial […]
3-min read
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