Patti Lloyd, Lifelong Volunteer, Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from Governor Healey

Long-time ABA member and volunteer Patti Lloyd was honored with the Larry D. Meehan Award for Lifetime Achievement at last week’s Governor’s Conference on Travel and Tourism. Gov. Maura Healey and Kate Fox of the Massachusetts Office of Tourism presented the award to Patti. This accolade, named after the late Larry Meehan, recognizes individuals who significantly contribute to Massachusetts’ tourism industry. Patti, a dedicated advocate for Cape Cod tourism, has tirelessly promoted the region for over two decades, showcasing its appeal for various events and gatherings.

Hired by the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce in 2000, Patti’s commitment to promoting Cape Cod has been unwavering. She’s been instrumental in attracting visitors and businesses to the area, earning praise from industry figures like Wendy Northcross and ABA President Peter Pantuso. Her efforts have not only boosted tourism but also supported local economies.
For Patti, receiving the award is a surreal honor, considering Larry Meehan mentored her early in her career. This recognition adds to her extensive list of accolades, showcasing her impactful contributions to the tourism industry and her beloved Cape Cod community. Peter hailed Patti as an unparalleled ambassador for Cape Cod, highlighting her 28-year tenure as a steadfast presence at the association’s annual Marketplace events. Notably, her dedication extends beyond membership; she’s an avid volunteer and a former member of the Board of Directors, Pantuso emphasized. This year, her volunteer efforts earned her recognition from the association, with Peter revealing that the volunteer award will bear her name henceforth. She was also featured on the cover of the latest Destinations digital magazine.
“In my estimation, there is no finer person than Patti Lloyd,” Peter stated, underscoring her exceptional character and contribution to the industry.
“Truthfully, I was bowled over and have never volunteered to garnish awards or accolades,” said Patti after receiving the newly named ABA Patti Lloyd Volunteer Award. “Volunteerism was in my genes from my parents, and I find it rewarding. When you volunteer, you can meet folks that you may not have. It certainly has enhanced my destination and me personally. I strive always to enhance my personal best.”
Marketplace, the association’s premier conference, draws approximately 3,000 tourism industry partners and provided Patti with ample opportunities to showcase Cape Cod’s allure. Peter described her as tirelessly advocating for the region, whether by registering participants or guiding them toward Cape Cod’s offerings. The structured format of seven-minute appointments during the event resembled a “speed dating environment,” allowing Lloyd and her colleagues to continually pitch Cape Cod to interested clients.
“Every seven minutes, Patti would have an appointment to talk with someone about Cape Cod and try to get them to bring their business to the Cape,” Pantuso elaborated, highlighting Patti’s relentless pursuit of promoting Cape Cod’s tourism sector.