Experience Alabama’s Civil Rights Era—One Movement at A Time

History isn’t just something to remember—it’s something to experience. Groups can “join the movement” by immersing themselves in one of these experiences offered by the Alabama Department of Tourism:
The Montgomery Bus Boycott – 1955
The Freedom Riders – 1961
The Children’s March – 1663
The Voter’s Rights March – 1965
Trans-Atlantic Slavery to Modern Day Mass Incarceration

Martin Luther King Jr. gives his Dec. 5, 1955, speech that started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This new video from the Alabama Tourism Department is an example of the immersive experiences offered to student and adult groups.
In addition to immersive experiences, American Bus Association members across the country offer groups a variety of ways to understand and appreciate America’s Black history. In our “Black Heritage Tourism” cover story, you’ll discover how the Alabama Tourism Department, Greater Birmingham Convention and Visitors Bureau, Visit Detroit, Destination DC, and New York State’s Division of Tourism/I LOVE NY are mapping the way forward and shaping cultural change.