New Data Email Phishing Attempts on the Rise




Recently, it was brought to our attention that a "Member Information Update" email with our branding was circulating. DO NOT ANSWER THIS EMAIL, nor click on any links. It is a phishing scam. Report the email to your IT department and delete it.

Phishing emails can appear legitimate but are designed to steal passwords, financial data, or personal details.

ABA Press Releases

ABA to Host All-Member Call on COVID-19 and Congressional Update


Dear Members, Colleagues and Friends:

I am inviting you to an all-member call this Wednesday, March 25 at 2 p.m. ET. You can register for the call here.

It has been a stressful time for the whole industry. I want to reiterate to you that ABA is here for you and we are working for you, day and night, every day. There is a lot of activity in Washington and we are staying focused on the news and on what Congress is considering. The ABA staff and our team of consultants have been in constant contact with members of Congress and the Administration, urging them to help the entire motorcoach and group travel industry as soon as possible.

Currently, the third Congressional stimulus package is at a standstill in the Senate. Right now more than ever it is important for you to contact your Congressional leaders. Call them. Email them. Tweet at them. Tell them you need help now! If Congress is going to provide grants and loans, then then industry needs to be explicitly identified as eligible, just like the third package currently does for the airlines, airports, public transit and Amtrak.

While we are sorting out how we can get money for the motorcoach and travel industry in the current two stimulus packages, there are resources you can utilize now, such as the Small Business Administration’s Emergency Declaration Loans.

The SBA has updated its criteria for state requesting disaster assistance loans for small businesses impacted by the coronavirus. You can see the details of the program here.

Again, to register for the all-member call on Wednesday, click here.

Thinking of all of you and looking forward to hearing from you on Wednesday or prior to and after that call.



Peter Pantuso, CTIS
President & CEO
American Bus Association


Due to registration limits and expected high attendance, please consider limiting your registration to one registrant per organization.

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