New Data Email Phishing Attempts on the Rise




Recently, it was brought to our attention that a "Member Information Update" email with our branding was circulating. DO NOT ANSWER THIS EMAIL, nor click on any links. It is a phishing scam. Report the email to your IT department and delete it.

Phishing emails can appear legitimate but are designed to steal passwords, financial data, or personal details.

Advocacy News

ABA Thanks Reps. Panetta, Sires, LaHood and Rose for Their Continued Support of the Industry


The American Bus Association – the industry leader advancing North American motorcoach travel and tourism – released a statement of support today of the CERTS Tax Exemption Act (HR 7477). The legislation introduced by Reps. Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.), Darin LaHood (R-Ill.), Albio Sires (D-N.J.), and John Rose (R-Tenn.) would provide tax relief to the motorcoach, school bus, and passenger vessel industries devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The bill would make the $2 billion Coronavirus Economic Relief for Transportation Services (CERTS) Act money tax-exempt grants, which would bring parity with other industries that received relief funds from Congress such as the Paycheck Protection Program, Shuttered Venues Operators Grant, and the Restaurant Revitalization Fund grants, which are all tax-exempt.

“We appreciate the continued support we have received from Reps. Panetta, Sires, LaHood and Rose in recognizing the important role of the motorcoach industry plays in the United States transportation system and economy,” said Peter Pantuso, ABA president & CEO. “This legislation is about fairness. The emergency grants awarded through the CERTS Act program should be treated the same way the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Shuttered Venues Operators Grant program (SVOG), and the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) grant program were treated in terms of taxation.”

ABA thanks Reps. Panetta, LaHood, Sires and Rose for their hard work in crafting this important legislation and their commitment to helping the school bus, motorcoach and passenger vehicles industries recover from this pandemic and urges House Leader Nancy Pelosi to act on this vital legislation as soon as possible.

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